Google Search Console Audit & Analysis Template - Slides

Elias Dabbas


Data: monthly queries by country (clicks, impressions, ctr, position)

country query clicks impressions ctr position date
0 usa advertools 40 60 0.666667 1.016667 2023-01-31
1 ind advertools 21 35 0.600000 1.000000 2023-01-31
2 ind log analysis using python 17 28 0.607143 1.000000 2023-01-31
3 gbr advertools 15 25 0.600000 1.000000 2023-01-31
4 deu advertools 10 20 0.500000 1.000000 2023-01-31

Monthly metrics by page and country

page country clicks impressions ctr position date
0 usa 51 391 0.130435 47.304348 2023-01-31
1 ind 49 688 0.071221 21.985465 2023-01-31
2 ind 28 108 0.259259 27.962963 2023-01-31
3 usa 21 2350 0.008936 30.180851 2023-01-31
4 gbr 16 53 0.301887 32.056604 2023-01-31

Most frequent word (unigrams)

Classifying terms/topics

python_term 19.4%
robots_term 16.8%
crawl_term 14.7%
analysis_term 11.7%
seo_term 11.3%
sitemap_term 10.4%
log_term 9.7%
serp_term 6.8%
search_term 5.1%
google_term 4.6%
brand_term 0.5%

Country comparison

  • Monthly impressions: click a flag(s) to add/remove countries

Weighted word frequency

  • Total monthly clicks for all keywords containing <word>.
  • e.g.: in January, keywords containing “python” received a total of 323 clicks

Weighted bigram frequency - monthly

Racing chart - impressions

Monthly impressions - map

Impressions ~ clicks by country

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Google Search Console Audit & Analyis - Python Template